Projects & Programs
Among the specifics in the voter-approved measures:
New Capacity and Improved Learning Environments: $65 million to address ongoing capacity needs, including new schools in growing parts of Denver and $31.7 million in flexible funding for 135 buildings to invest in key learning spaces such as classrooms, cafeterias, playgrounds, libraries, gyms and auditoriums.
Montbello Campus: A $130 million investment into a rebuild or remodel of the former Montbello High School
Classroom Cooling: $128.5 million for air conditioning and cooling solutions in 24 of the hottest schools in DPS.
Increased Nursing and Mental Health Staff: A $3 million investment to increase school counselor and psychologist services and $4 million to support an increase in full-time nurses in schools.
Compensation Increases: A $15 million allocation for DPS employees, including an increase in minimum wage to $14.77 per hour and a cost-of-living increase for teachers.
General Fund Relief $36.5 million that will help mitigate the budget shortfall the district is experiencing due to the economic impact of COVID-19.

The Montbello Reimagine Project is being built to serve 1,500 students, beginning in the school year 2024-25.

The Responsive Arts STEAM Academy is being built to serve 600 students, beginning the school year 2024-25.

Four new buildings with bond premium dollars generated from the 2020 bond.

The 28,000-sq-ft commercial greenhouse is the first facility of its kind providing students with fresh produce.

The remaining schools from the 2020 package will have their upgrades completed in 2024.

School Determined Funds
School determined funds (SDFs) account for a special series of school improvement initiatives.

First adaptive playground for students with disabilities. DPS partners with a design team led by elementary students.

Learn about the benefits of the proposed 2020 investments for schools.

CEC Automotive Shop
Fred N. Thomas Career Education Center Early College (CEC) is expecting a new automotive shop thanks to Denver voters!

Mental Health Programs
Investment in DPS personnel and school programs including mental health services.