Pursuit of Passion

Innovation $51 Million
Denver Public Schools is committed to graduating students career, college and life-ready. With this focus in mind, creating equitable access to high quality career and STEAM education is a district priority.
Our investments by the community focused on:
Innovative Career and Technical Education (CTE) regional center in all corners of the district. Regional centers will offer students across the district access to rigorous career programs resulting in Industry Credentials before students leave the district. The development of these centers will allow program access to almost 1,500 students across the district focused on high-growth, high-wage careers within the Denver community.
STEAM and CTE programming at elementary and middle schools across the district to create early exposure in high-growth, high-wage careers.

Arts $43 Million
Denver Public Schools is committed to expanding access to Performing Arts programming across the district with an increased focus on improving facilities including theatres and adjacent classrooms, as well as upgrading technical systems and production equipment.
Our investments by the community focused on creating Regional Arts Centers at specific high schools by:
Updating old auditoriums and stages with seating, curtains/screens, acoustical treatment, sound, lighting and projection systems, with capabilities to enhance and allow for variety of student performances such as dances, plays, musical theatre productions, band/choir/mariachi concerts, spoken word, poetry slams, etc.
Upgrading Arts classrooms to include Audio/Visual Production/Broadcasting studios so that students can create television shows, podcasts, musical albums, films, scores for video games, and more to prepare students for jobs in the Creative Economy.
Reinstating and reimagining Art shops classrooms to create sets for musicals, plays, programs, giving students opportunities to create and develop productions from the idea phase to show delivery.

Athletics $33 Million
Denver Public Schools is committed to improving and maximizing learning spaces to be safe and welcoming. These spaces will propel students to pursue their passions, increase student engagement, and optimize instructional spaces to accelerate learning outcomes.
Students connected to athletics, activities, and extracurricular activities experience many benefits, including a sense of belonging, focus on academics, promotion of life skills, and improvements in social, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Participation continues to increase across middle school programming and high school programming.
Our investments by the community focused on:
21st Century Updates targeted in the outdoor spaces of our high school campuses and the weight/fitness areas. Some of these updates include upgrades to the baseball and softball facilities to provide equal opportunity. A refreshed weight/fitness area will occur at 9 High Schools.
Regional Stadium updates targeted at All City Stadium and Evie Dennis Stadium
Conversion to Synthetic Surfaces at high school campuses where students are proud to practice and compete and a space that the school community may utilize all year round.