Safe & Welcoming
Air Conditioning $240 Million
In support of providing students and staff with comfortable, climate-controlled facilities to enhance the academic environment and support improved indoor air quality.
Our commitment to our students and community is:
Finish the remaining 29 schools that do not have air conditioning
Increase the number of schools that are climate-conscious that will reduce our carbon footprint

Technology $55 Million
Our goal is to ensure that every student has access to a device that can help students succeed in the future.
Our investments by community focused on:
1:1 technology for student learning, K-13 Includes Student Chromebooks, Replacement Chromebook Chargers, Classroom Sets for Grades K - 5, Classroom Chromebook Carts, Hotspots - Home Student Internet Access, Teacher Device Refresh, School Projection Equipment, Additional Tech Funding, Hardware Repair Supplies
Assistive technology Special Education (Assistive Tech, assessment library), Vision, OTPT, DHH/Audiology
Improvements to the network infrastructure
Safety $28 Million
Safety is at the top of mind. Our goal is to improve capital investments through physical security measures, technology integration, and communication systems that help our students feel safe and ready to learn.
Our investments by the community focused on:
Secure Vestibules - Construction of a secure vestibule, which is an entry ways within the school that consist of a minimum: controlled entry point, contained screening area (satellite desk, office area, transaction window), camera coverage, access control methods, and visitor screening. Schools include DC-21, Grant Ranch, George Washington, Howell, Hamilton, Lake, Lincoln, Manual, North, Pitt Waller, Cole, Academy of Urban Learning (AUL), Bruce Randolph, Contemporary Learning Academy (CLA), Kepner Beacon, Maxwell, and University Prep.
Additional Safety Technology Funds - The Safe and Welcoming Committee was very strategic and forward-thinking in this business case. The committee recognizes that as threats to school safety evolve, the District may need to invest in new technologies or upgrade existing systems to address emerging risks. This could result in additional costs associated with adapting and expanding safety measures. During the four-year life cycle of the 2024 bond, these additional funds allocated for capital improvements allow the District the ability to address new school safety technologies or equipment as well as upgrade existing systems.
Safety Systems - District wide safety system improvements which includes, weapons detection, crisis communication platform, access control system, visitor management system, and camera platform. Additionally we are adding physical security to the DPS Balarat Campus and preparing for end of life technology within the Department of Climate and Safety.